Using ORMs and Querying Data

In the previous step, we’ve added SQLAlchemy to our codebase, but we still haven’t fully leveraged its power. In this step, we’ll create ORM classes to represent database tables.


ORM stands for Object Relational Mapping, which lets us map the tables of a database to user-defined Python classes. The class attributes of the mapped class will be linked to columns of the table. This structure is called Declarative Mapping, which simultaneously defines a Python object model and metadata describing the actual tables that exist in a particular database.

Let’s update db/ to add a Base class that subclasses DeclarativeBase, but remember to keep the engine!

from sqlalchemy.orm import DeclarativeBase

class Base(DeclarativeBase):

When we create new classes that inherit Base, they will each be established as ORM mapped classes at the creation time. Each mapped class will refer to a particular database table.

Mapped Classes

The foundational unit of SQL when using the ORM is the Mapped Class. As we learned, individual mapped classes are created by subclassing Base.

With this in mind, let’s create a mapped class for Customer in db/

from db.base import Base
from sqlalchemy.orm import Mapped, mapped_column

class Customer(Base):
    __tablename__ = "customer"

    id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
    name: Mapped[str]
    address_id: Mapped[int]

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"Customer(id={!r}, name={!r}, address_id={self.address_id!r})"

We indicate the name of the table by using the __tablename__ class-level attribute.

We declare the columns by adding them as attributes along with a special type called Mapped, which is driven from type annotations defined PEP 484. The name of each attribute corresponds to the name of the column in the table. The datatype is inferred from the Mapped type, such as int becomes INTEGER, str becomes VARCHAR, etc.

For example: name: Mapped[str] is the name column of the customer table of datatype VARCHAR. Consequently, we can indicate nullable contraints in the column by Mapped[str | None].

To include additional specification for our attributes, we can use the mapped_column() construct, which will generate Column objects. We can use mapped_column() without annotations too. The following example is also valid.

customer_name = mapped_column("name", String, nullable=False)

Notice how it’s possible for the class attribute to have a different name than the column. The datatype of the column is inferred from the String SQLAlchemy type object.

We also indicate the presense of the primary key with enabling the primary_key boolean parameter. If there is a composite key constraint, we can represent that by enabling the primary_key boolean flag for all the attributes that are a part of the composite key.

In our code, we’ve set the autoincrement parameter to True. This is because our IDs are integers starting from 1, and incremented automatically, i.e., we do not need to assign an integer to id while inserting rows.

Mapped classes include a default __init__() method that accepts all attribute names as keyword arguments. This will help us to instantiate objects, which will allow us to insert records in the table.

Finally, we have included a __repr__() method which is not necessary, but helps us in debugging.

Test Your Understanding

With what you’ve learnt, create the Address mapped class for the address table in marketsvc/db/

HINT: The address table has 3 columns: id, flat_number, and post_code. See marketdb/init_db.sql for more info.


Amazing! You’ve now created the Address ORM mapped class as well. As you may remember, the tables address and customer are related, where the address_id column in customer is the foreign key to the id column in address. Let’s represent this relationship in ORMs.

This is how Address will look like.

from db.base import Base
from sqlalchemy.orm import Mapped, mapped_column, relationship

class Address(Base):
    __tablename__ = "address"

    id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
    flat_number: Mapped[int]
    post_code: Mapped[int]

    customer: Mapped["Customer"] = relationship(
    )  # one to one

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"Address(id={!r}, flat_number={self.flat_number!r}, post_code={self.post_code!r})"

Let’s also update the Customer class to indicate the relationship.

from db.address import Address
from db.base import Base
from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.orm import Mapped, mapped_column, relationship

class Customer(Base):
    address_id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(ForeignKey(""))

    address: Mapped["Address"] = relationship(
        back_populates="customer", lazy="joined"
    )  # one to one

We can depict the foreign key constraint by using the ForeignKey object in mapped_class(). The syntax is <table_name>.<column_name>. Thus, the address_id attribute in our Customer class is the foreign key to the id column in address table.

In addition to the column-based attributes, we have a relationship() construct that represents a linkage between two mapped classes, and by extension, relationship between two tables.

In our case, the relationship() construct, along with the Mapped["Address"] construct, will be used to examine the table relationships. As a result, Customer.address links customer to address, and Address.customer links address to customer. The relationship linkage between the two tables is inferred with the foreign key constraint we had defined previously.

The lazy="joined" parameter signifies that we’ve used joined relationship loading technique, a type of eager loading. We will talk about this in the next section in detail.

We have applied a singular type (rather than a collection) to the Mapped annotation on both sides of the relationship, i.e. Mapped["Address"] in Customer, and Mapped["Customer"] in Address. With this, SQLAlchemy has determined that there is a One to One relationship.

Test Your Understanding

We’ve learned how to represent a One to One relationship. How do you think we would represent a One to Many relationship?


Here, we have represented a bi-directional relationship with defining relationship() on both classes, where both classes know about each other. Oftentimes, we don’t need the child class to know about the parent class. Thus, in such cases, we have a uni-directional relationship, where there is a relationship() construct only on the parent class.

To represent our ORM class as a comprehensible response from our service, let’s introduce an as_dict() method in Customer. This converts the ORM class into a dictionary with a meaningful structure.

Finally, our Customer mapped class should look something like this.

from db.address import Address
from db.base import Base
from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.orm import Mapped, mapped_column, relationship

class Customer(Base):
    __tablename__ = "customer"

    id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
    name: Mapped[str]
    address_id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(ForeignKey(""))

    address: Mapped["Address"] = relationship(
        back_populates="customer", lazy="joined"
    )  # one to one

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"Customer(id={!r}, name={!r}, address_id={self.address_id!r}, address={self.address})"

    def as_dict(self):
        return {
            "address": {
                "flat_number": self.address.flat_number,
                "post_code": self.address.post_code,

There’s a useful SQLAlchemy extension Automap that automatically generates mapped classes for you. You can also use a mix of programmatic and auto-generated classes.

Querying Data

We now have our Customer and Address ORMs set up. We can now make full use of the SQL Expression Language and eliminate the need of raw SQL statements, which is extremely intuitive and almost readable in English, thus allowing us to query data like magic!

Let’s update the get_customers() function in

from db.base import engine
from db.customer import Customer
from sqlalchemy import select
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session

def get_customers():
    with Session(engine) as session:
        stmt = select(Customer)
        result = session.execute(stmt)
        customers = result.scalars().all()

        return customers

When using ORMs, the Engine is managed by the Session object. The Session is the fundamental transactional and database interactive object for ORMs. It is almost identical to the Connection discussed in the previous section. In fact, Session refers to Connection internally to emit SQL. Similarly, the session uses “commit as you go” behaviour.

The select() construct generates a Select object that is used for SELECT queries. The select() function accepts mapped classes as well as class-level attributes that represent mapped columns. In our case, we’re passing in the Customer mapped class to select().

The resulting Select object, stmt in our case, is passed to Session.execute(), which returns a Result object. To get a list of Customer rather than a list of Row, we call scalars() on the Result. Since we want to return all the customers, we further call all().

Finally, let’s update customers() in to get the Customer objects as dictionaries for the response using the as_dict() function we defined earlier:

def customers():
    customers = get_customers()
    return (customer.as_dict() for customer in customers)

You may now hit the endpoint with:

./ customers
SQLAlchemy logs
BEGIN (implicit)
SELECT,, customer.address_id, AS id_1, address_1.flat_number, address_1.post_code
FROM customer LEFT OUTER JOIN address AS address_1 ON = customer.address_id
[generated in 0.00019s] ()

The following will be the value of customers:

[Customer(id=1, name='Alex', address_id=1, address=Address(id=1, flat_number=101, post_code=10001)), ...]

Notice how also have the address of the customer, even though our query was select(Customer). This is due the relationship we had defined between the two classes.

Test Your Understanding

Try creating mapped classes for other tables as well in the db/ folder, and updating the queries to use the ORMs in If you need a reference, feel free to look at the step-3-orms branch to see how we’ve built the mapped classes.

Inserting Data

Inserting data is quite simple too. Within the ongoing transaction, the Session object becomes responsible for generating Insert constructs and emit INSERT statements. We can do this by adding the ORM objects to the session by the Session.add() method.

Instances of the mapped classes represent rows. Thanks to the automatically generated __init__() constructor of mapped classes, we can instantiate objects using names of the columns as keyword arguments. Keep in mind that the ids are generated automatically due to the database’s auto incrementing feature for the primary key. For example:

address = Address(flat_number=101, post_code=10001)

Having said that, let’s update our add_new_order_for_customer() function in

from datetime import datetime

from db.base import engine
from db.customer import Customer
from db.item import Item
from db.order_items import OrderItems
from db.orders import Orders
from sqlalchemy import select
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session


def add_new_order_for_customer(customer_id, items):
        with Session(engine) as session:
            result = session.execute(
                select(Customer).where( == customer_id)
            customer = result.scalar()

            new_order = Orders(

            new_order.order_items = [
                for item in items


        return True

    except Exception:
        logging.exception("Failed to add new order")
        return False

Here, we’ve first fetched the Customer object with the given customer_id by using Select.where(). We then create a new object of Orders class.

Adding OrderItems becomes quite effortless now. We can just assign a list of OrderItems objects to the Order.order_items class attribute. Doing so is straightforward because of the relationship between the two classes, whose type annotation is Mapped[list["OrderItems"]]. We can call Session.add(new_order) to add our instance to the Session.

After we call session.add(new_order), the object is still in pending state and has not been inserted yet. The transaction still remanins open until we call Session.commit(), or when the context manager automatically calls Session.rollback() and/or Session.close().

We can commit these changes to the database by calling Session.commit(). If the transaction is successful, a COMMIT statement will be logged and the data will get persisted. Otherwise, a ROLLBACK will be logged.

Do you recall when we talked about bound parameters? The SQL expression language uses bound parameters by default.

You can call this function to insert a new order by hitting the add_new_order API using:

./ neworder
SQLAlchemy logs
BEGIN (implicit)
SELECT,, customer.address_id, AS id_1, address_1.flat_number, address_1.post_code
FROM customer LEFT OUTER JOIN address AS address_1 ON = customer.address_id
[generated in 0.00016s] (1,)
INSERT INTO orders (customer_id, order_time) VALUES (?, ?)
[generated in 0.00013s] (1, '2024-05-15 10:44:30.605436')
INSERT INTO order_items (order_id, item_id, quantity) VALUES (?, ?, ?)
[generated in 0.00011s] [(4, 2, 4), (4, 3, 6)]

The first SELECT statement is to fetch the existing customer with the given customer_id. The first INSERT statement inserts data into the orders table and returns the generated id of the new inserted order. The second INSERT statement inserts multiple records to the order_items table using the same id. Notice how SQLAlchemy is using bound parameters for all the statements. Finally, we have a COMMIT to depict the data has been successfully comitted to the database.

Test Your Understanding

Can we make our add_new_order_for_customer() a little bit better and cleaner?

Did you Know?

It’s possible to emit DDL statements and create tables in the database from the ORM mapped classes, using Base.metadata.create_all(engine). See this section of SQLAlchemy docs for more details.


We have not only introduced ORMs that represent tables with classes, but also removed raw SQL text and made querying and inserting data much easier. In the next section, we’ll take a look at some optimisations and make our codebase even better!


🙌 You have now reached the step-3-orms part of the tutorial. If not, checkout that branch and continue from there:

git checkout step-3-orms


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